Dear friends of ANF,
The coronavirus disproportionately affects the most vulnerable: the poor, the elderly, and those without access to adequate healthcare. As an organization whose mission is to alleviate the effects of poverty in Nicaragua, ANF must take concrete steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19. At ANF, one of our main values is solidarity. Now is a critical time to put it into practice. Fighting this virus requires collective action and selflessness. Although in Nicaragua there are only a few confirmed cases of coronavirus at this time, we must take preventive measures and act for the good of others.
In preparing ourselves to work under these challenging circumstances, our immediate priority has been the wellbeing of our staff and their families. For this reason, we implemented a series of CDC-recommended preventive measures, including work-from-home policies, educational sessions on COVID-19 prevention, social distancing, and frequently sanitizing the workplace.
After having taken the necessary precautions internally, we then reviewed the situation in the field where most of our work happens. Each programmatic team (e.g. health, agriculture, community development, education, etc.) has either postponed or redesigned their projects to ensure the safety of staff, partners, and beneficiaries. As of today, the majority of our programs are continuing without significant interruption. However, this is a rapidly changing situation.
That being said, our work cannot be considered a “non-essential business” that must close. The livelihoods of so many impoverished families depend on us, particularly in such times of great need. People are being let go. Businesses are shutting down. Hospitals are getting crowded. We have to respond.
We are actively working with our donors to build temporary facilities to treat coronavirus patients, supply hospitals with medical supplies, provide food and hygiene supplies to at-risk children and adults, and carry out health education campaigns.
We must also remember that the coronavirus will only make things worse for those who are already poor. In the coming days, we will be announcing a relief fund to help those in need during this time of crisis. After all, it’s what Jesus Christ commanded us to do in Matthew 25: feed the hungry, visit the sick, and care for the poor.
As the difficulties arise, so must our endeavor. Our work is too important to stop. We hope we can count on your continued support.
Nicolás Argüello
Executive Director